Casket Decoration Workshops
Paint & Decorate your Casket Workshops @ the Coffin Shed
At long last we are pleased to announce the commencement of our Paint & Decorate your Casket Workshops! The new premises will be opening The Coffin Shed Doors, to those who are wanting to ‘undertake’ their own Casket paint or decorating day either as an individual or a small group.
Join us for a fun day of chatting, ideas and sharing, but first please read below for details about This is How it Works….
This is how it works…
1. You will need a cardboard casket to paint or decorate
2. Pre-purchase a Daisybox Casket from Returning Home AUS for
$400 AUD
3. The Workshop will cost $80.00 for the primary person, $20 for
each added person like a friend or family member
4. We will store it for and during the workshop dates free of charge
5. We will supply basic materials eg. some brushes and gesso to get
you started
6. Discuss ideas and swap knowledge
7. COVID restrictions means we have only a few people at one time
8. We will supply cold drinking water, coffee and tea, just remember
to bring your own lunch, snack and treats
9. Have fun and experience a safe and welcoming space
For more details on how to participate simply call/text me on my mobile 0438257612 or via email @
Let’s talk about undertaking a special project for you or a loved one, and book in today
PS. Spaces limited to 2 Paint & Decorate your Casket projects at a time!